You will have to show yourself and it might feel naked even with your clothes on. That’s part of the job.
This show was cancelled due to corona crowd control and regulations.
If you join this English spoken intensive show, you’ll get to know it by experience. For now we would explain kleinkunst as: personal, omnifarious and out of the box. In the play all the stage disciplines are being used, like dance, singing, and play. Curious for the players'hidden interests and abilities, we can use lots of them for sure. A violin at home but didn’t play it for some years? Or are you a hidden magician? Or something else unexpected will happen.
Members of Studenten Toneelvereniging Amsterdam

Daniil Aleksin is een theatermaker en regisseur van Wit-Russische komaf. In 2019 studeerde hij af als kleinkunstenaar bij Studio Selma Susanna. Met zijn solovoorstelling 'Ingeburgerd' staat hij zelf o...
There is no such word in English that covers the meaning of ‘kleinkunst’, a particular branch of theatre that is well known in the Netherlands. The first part of the production is spend on exploring, playing and gathering ‘the material’. During the second part the show will slowly reveal itself. It is a 'kleinkunst piece with a clear goal, the performance, but in fact it’s about the process. If you are addicted to control, you be given you unintentionally a hard time because there is a need to let go. Everyone is welcome :)

2020-2021, Locatietheater, Sarphatiestraat 720
Onder het Melkwoud
2020-2021, Teksttheater, Crea Theater
Lola rent cancel
2020-2021, Teksttheater, Drama
2015-2016, Crea Theater, Kleinkunst
De Meeuw
2022-2023, Kleinkunst, Universiteitstheater, Nut van Amsterdam
I have stress, I don't know why cancel
2020-2021, Kleinkunst, In English
In English
2022-2023, In English, Universiteitstheater
2023-2024, In English, Bewegingstheater
Moonrise Kingdom cancel
2019-2020, Drama, In English
Daniil Aleksin
2022-2023, Kleinkunst, Universiteitstheater, Nut van Amsterdam
I have stress, I don't know why cancel
2020-2021, Kleinkunst, In English

In English
2019-2020, Drama, In English
2018-2019, Crea Theater, Drama, In English
The Wolfpack
2021-2022, Montagetheater, Crea Theater, In English
Richard III
2017-2018, Crea Theater, Drama, In English
2023-2024, In English, Bewegingstheater
Holding The Metal
2022-2023, In English, Universiteitstheater
2020-2021, Kleinkunst, In English
2015-2016, Crea Theater, Kleinkunst
De Meeuw
2022-2023, Kleinkunst, Universiteitstheater, Nut van Amsterdam
Gênant gewoon
2012-2013, Crea Theater, Kleinkunst
2020-2021, Montagetheater, Crea Theater, Drama
Lola rent cancel
2020-2021, Teksttheater, Drama
2020-2021, Komedie, Streaming
I have stress, I don't know why cancel
2020-2021, Kleinkunst, In English
The Zoo
2020-2021, Operette, Theater 't Zonnehuis
Zanna Don't
2020-2021, Musical, Theater 't Zonnehuis, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten
2020-2021, Teksttheater, Crea Theater
Duizelingen cancel
2020-2021, Teksttheater, Montagetheater
Ik ben bang dat we er allemaal ingetrapt zijn
2020-2021, Drama
Sarphati 720
2020-2021, Locatietheater, Sarphatiestraat 720
Onder het Melkwoud
2020-2021, Teksttheater, Crea Theater
2020-2021, Film, Red Dot Studios, Stichting Toekenningen
Wat ik lust
2020-2021, Montagetheater, Muziektheater, Streaming
Hamlet, de familie vøørstelling cancel
2020-2021, Familievoorstelling, Crea Theater
