The Wolfpack

The Wolfpack
“The outside world will not be so kind to us. We all know that. Out there, the beasts would eat us. Good kids shall go to bed when it is sleeping time, or the wolves will hunt them down.”
06-05-2022 om 20:00u
CREA Theater (Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, 1018WV Amsterdam)
07-05-2022 om 20:00u
CREA Theater (Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, 1018WV Amsterdam)
08-05-2022 om 13:00u
CREA Theater (Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, 1018WV Amsterdam)
“The outside world will not be so kind to us. We all know that. Out there, the beasts would eat us. Good kids shall go to bed when it is sleeping time, or the wolves will hunt them down.”

Inspired on the documentary from 2015 and many stories we hear from all around the world, we created ‘The Wolfpack’. What happens when you’ve spend your whole childhood inside, imprisoned between the four walls of your apartment with your brothers and sisters? What happens to your reality when you have no clue what the real world is all about? And what if the only thing you own are five thousand dvd’s? 

From pure boredom, the brothers and sisters start to reenact all kind of movie scenes. The line between fiction and reality slowly fades away. 

And then, on yet another boring day, the oldest brother walks to the door and decides to step outside. A play about loyalty, identity and self deceit. 


Robin van Els, Arda Ergin, Francesca D'Errico, Le Quynh Anh Ha, Joshua Joel Haas, Cansu Kayan, Esen Kayan, Fanny Keisala, Chenyi Lin, Malte Mählmann, Marcell Völler, Julia Waclawczyk, Olivia Ukkola

Charlotte Bakker

My name is Charlotte Bakker and I’m a theatre director and teacher since 2011.

Besides working in the professional field, directing play’s for different producers, I alway’s had the honor to work wi...

The international group created this play together. There was no script, only an idea. Together we wrote, we read, we moved, we danced, we sang. In the small space of our rehearsal studio we created something more then just a show. We created a bond that will last forever.


Regie-assistent: Arda Ergin | Productie: Robin van Els, Arda Ergin, Le Quynh Anh Ha, Cansu Kayan, Fanny Keisala, Marcell Völler, Julia Waclawczyk | Promotie: Robin van Els | Fotografie: Robin van Els, Arda Ergin | Regie: Charlotte Bakker


Orpheus in de Onderwereld   
2021-2022, Operette, Theater 't Zonnehuis
2021-2022, Teksttheater, Crea Theater
2021-2022, Musical, Urban Resort Rietwijker


2011-2012, Montagetheater, De Roode Bioscoop
Personages op zoek   
2014-2015, Montagetheater, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten, Universiteitstheater
Finding Genderland   
2022-2023, Teksttheater, Montagetheater, Crea Theater

Crea Theater

Finding Genderland   
2022-2023, Teksttheater, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
Adams Appels   
2011-2012, Tragikomedie, Crea Theater
Enter the forest   
2018-2019, Teksttheater, Crea Theater, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten

In English

Moonrise Kingdom    cancel
2019-2020, Drama, In English
I have stress, I don't know why    cancel
2020-2021, Kleinkunst, In English
2018-2019, Crea Theater, Drama, In English

Charlotte Bakker

The Wolfpack   
2021-2022, Montagetheater, Crea Theater, In English
On The Road   
2016-2017, Muziektheater, Pllek


In English

I have stress, I don't know why    cancel
2020-2021, Kleinkunst, In English
Holding The Metal   
2022-2023, In English, Universiteitstheater
Moonrise Kingdom    cancel
2019-2020, Drama, In English
2018-2019, Crea Theater, Drama, In English
Richard III   
2017-2018, Crea Theater, Drama, In English
2023-2024, In English, Bewegingstheater

Crea Theater

Morgen weer een dag   
2008-2009, Crea Theater
2022-2023, Teksttheater, Crea Theater, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten
Boerenkool met rosé   
2009-2010, Tragikomedie, Crea Theater
Koppie Koppie   
2019-2020, Komedie, Crea Theater
Vervlogen Belofte   
2014-2015, Crea Theater, Drama
2013-2014, Teksttheater, Crea Theater
Mei voor jullie   
Montagetheater, Crea Theater, 1999-2000
Code Oranje   
2017-2018, Teksttheater, Crea Theater, Nut van Amsterdam
Finding Genderland   
2022-2023, Teksttheater, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
DATE! Of Hoe Liefde Een Hel Werd…   
2010-2011, Tragikomedie, Crea Theater
Gênant gewoon   
2012-2013, Crea Theater, Kleinkunst
Super Magnifique   
2017-2018, Komedie, Crea Theater, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten
2015-2016, Crea Theater, Kleinkunst
2013-2014, Crea Theater, Bewegingstheater


Finding Genderland   
2022-2023, Teksttheater, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
2011-2012, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
Het feest der onbeduidendheid   
2018-2019, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
Mei voor jullie   
Montagetheater, Crea Theater, 1999-2000
WHAT IS LOVE? (baby don't hurt me)   
2021-2022, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
Het leven is kut   
2016-2017, Montagetheater, Crea Theater, Nut van Amsterdam
Vriendschap, hoe moet het nou echt?   
2023-2024, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
2019-2020, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
Wij doen ook maar wat. Weten wij veel.   
2015-2016, Montagetheater, Crea Theater, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten
Coïtus Interruptus   
2015-2016, Montagetheater, Crea Theater, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten
Afscheid nemen bestaat niet   
2012-2013, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
2012-2013, Montagetheater, Trouw De Verdieping
Hoe gaat het?   
2021-2022, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
2011-2012, Montagetheater, De Roode Bioscoop


WHAT IS LOVE? (baby don't hurt me)   
2021-2022, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
Het Temmen van de Feeks   
2021-2022, Komedie, Universiteitstheater
2021-2022, Teksttheater, Crea Theater
Orpheus in de Onderwereld   
2021-2022, Operette, Theater 't Zonnehuis
The Wolfpack   
2021-2022, Montagetheater, Crea Theater, In English
Loving Shakespeare   
2021-2022, Tragikomedie, Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis
At least we're free   
2021-2022, Teksttheater, Crea Theater
2021-2022, Teksttheater, ITA, Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam (ITA)
Lang en Gelukkig   
2021-2022, Muziektheater, Crea Theater
Hoe gaat het?   
2021-2022, Montagetheater, Crea Theater
Thuisgenoten, Stroomloos   
2021-2022, Film, Komedie, Crea Theater
2021-2022, Locatietheater, Teksttheater
2021-2022, Musical, Urban Resort Rietwijker



Play hard, Party hard